30 Days to Make a Change | Moving around Respectfully

Posted on 4th April 2017 | News | Uncategorised

After a very successful first two challenges, with children and adults alike commenting on the improvements made, our third 30 Days to Make a Change – Moving around Respectfully – has been running for the last couple of weeks and will continue until the holidays.

Moving around Respectfully includes the following: entering and leaving classrooms and the school building quietly and sensibly; showing consideration for others (pupils and adults alike), whether they are in classrooms, offices or the corridor itself; moving around school in a sensible, thoughtful and responsible way, carrying bags carefully, lining-up properly, avoiding physical contact with other students and respecting other pupils’ space. This list is not exhaustive, rather it is a guide to the sort of behaviours we are looking for. As with each of the 30 Days challenges, a key aspect of this one is placing an emphasis on the pupils taking responsibility for themselves, rather than needing reminders from adults. As the behaviours become habits, we would expect to see more and more evidence of this independence across the school.

Once again, all members of staff will be modelling, highlighting, praising and rewarding children, across the school; we hope that you will support us with this too.